Monday, March 24, 2014


Hello my brothers and sisters! Please pray for two lost souls that I talked to earlier this morning. Both of them were Jehovah's witnesses and according to their beliefs they don't believe in Hell but only in Heaven. They believe only 144,000 people are going to Heaven and believe that the wicked or lost people will be eliminated or gone forever. They will not exist anymore, only the righteous which are believers are the only ones that exist. Pray for Debbie and Ilene who are the two lost souls I chatted with earlier this morning. I warned them about Hell and real this place of torment is. Hell is a very real place and I don't want them going there for all of eternity. I didn't have a lot of time to talk to them I was definitely not perfect in the conversation, but all I was doing was faithfully being obedient to the Lord by planting a seed. I made them think about eternity and about Hell and how real this place is. But it's their choice if they ever want to search it out for themselves. Pray for them my brothers and sisters. God bless! 

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