Saturday, March 23, 2013


Yesterday I was at an event called the answer which is a Christian event that is hosted by all the Christian clubs in the Fremont city district. I always go every year because there are non-believers that attend and that gives me a grand opportunity to share the gospel with lost people there! I finally got to meet my friend Chloe who I always talk with online on facebook. It was great to finally see her in person! I also met two High School students that were standing outside and decided to talk with them. I forgot one of their names, but the other student's name I remembered was Andrew. And he was a really awesome kid. I loved talking with him and he was sharing with me a lot of stories and that caught my attention. That's because I love to share my stories with everyone. Then I went inside and sat down at a table and hung out there. Then a friend that is a part of my Church youth group came and sat down next to me and we started talking. Eventually my friend Rachel who is very sweet and a good friend of mine from our High School, sat down next to me as well. She also brought her other friend Hugo that I knew as well. Later on, I left the table and sat down at this other table with random strangers. I started to introduce myself to everyone, and the man sitting across from me was friendly and introduced himself in a polite manner. Of course most of the people at the event are Christians and are very friendly. After I talked with everyone there and met a few of my friends that I knew, I went back to my table. The event started and there was great worship, and right after we had a speaker. The speaker was fantastic and had a lot of energy. He had a tough life growing up and was sharing his testimony as well as stories about his family. Then, he shared Jesus with everyone who was listening. And he also asked those who have not committed their heart and life to Jesus Christ to raise their hand, or stand up. This was my favorite part of the whole night because it's showing that the Holy Spirit is really convicting lost people of their sin. And they want to repent and turn away from it and have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation for their free ticket to Heaven. But not only that, but they are forgiven of their sins by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and are no longer condemned sinners. They are forgiven sinners just like you and me who have repented of our sins and placed our trust in Jesus Christ. After the speaker spoke he asked everyone to get into groups to pray and people were doing that. I saw a boy and a girl crying, and I had compassion on them just like Jesus. So I called out to them and said "hey, can I pray for you guys?" And they said yes. So I gathered a whole group of kids and a couple adults and said "let's pray." I felt so humble making that prayer and I was so thankful to the Lord that I was leading a group prayer even though I was just a lowly forgiven servant of Jesus. After that, there was more worship. Later I left to the bathroom and after I came out a kid that was part of my prayer group walked up to me and said "thank you for praying for us" and introduced himself to me. I don't remember that kids name, but I will never forget praying for him and the rest of the group that was involved. It was such a humble blessing that kid walked up to me and thanked me for that. I will never forget that moment and I am thankful to the Lord for that. The rest of evening went well and I met more people that I have not seen in a while. The event came to an end, and I left to go back home. I am so thankful for what the Lord did this evening for me. Praise the Lord!!! Keep glorifying Him my brother's and sister's! Time is precious so use it wisely. God is good!

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