Sunday, October 9, 2011

Lunch, then witnessing

Today was another great day. Right after Church me and my Christian buddies went to eat lunch at chipotle at the Great Mall. (I had no idea there was a chipotle there), but anyway's we went and ate lunch their which was great. Then right after me and the others except one friend of mine Austin, who couldn't stick around to walk around the mall, needed to do something at Church. But me and my other friends went inside the mall to walk around. As we came in, I was stunned by the amount of people were in the mall, and I knew immediately most of them were lost people. I wanted to give them tracts (but they didn't arrive at my friends Rachel's house yet ><), but as we were walking I noticed two teenagers just hanging out talking with each other and I passed them by. I was so desperate to get into a conversation with them  so I asked my friend Curtis if I could go the other way and meet him at the store they were walking to. He said ok and so I went over to talk with these two teenagers and one was in High School, and the other was in Jr. High but was about to move soon. So I kept talking with them and started a conversation about eternal things. Their names were Cody and Jose, and Cody told me that when you die, whatever you thought about in your head you enter through a door that leads to a world that you thought of. His friend Jose agreed with him and then I started talking about Jesus, Ten Commandments, sin, Heaven and Hell, etc. And I told them "the reason I share this with you guys is because I care about your souls and where you guys are going to spend eternity." They didn't say anything, but I knew that the phrase I just said touched their hearts and got them thinking. Then later as I was walking more through the mall and I was just standing around doing nothing when a guy appears out of nowhere and said to me "hey man did you get one of these?" I asked him what is it, and he told me it was a book out of the Hindu faith. I rejected it nicely and he told me he was doing it because it made people's lives better. But I just started talking with him and he told me he is a monk. I never met a monk before, but he told me that what he believed was many things. And I asked him what he thought was on the other side after you died. Then he flipped through the book and showed me. But I know that Josh (his name) was not showing me truth, but instead showing me something that was just a belief that can never be proven. But I never told him that, he was a very nice guy and even introduced himself to me first! It was awesome meeting another person who stands up boldly for what he believes,even though it was a lie, but I appreciate what he was doing and I want the Lord to continue to bless him in his job so he can make money. Then I met up with the others. God is sooooo good wherever we are!!! Amen!!!!

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