Tuesday, January 29, 2013


My second day of classes today was kinda stressful because of the amount of information I had to take in about my classes. But it's not the class that is stressful, it's because I am stressing out because of the class. But the classes are easy and I can pass them, it was only the information that I was listening to that sounded like the professor was demanding a lot. But of course they are not, but they do expect us to complete our work and do well in the class. Please pray for me my brothers and sister because today and yesterday were headaches for me since I was taking in a lot of information. Pray that I would do well this semester and work my butt off for the Lord, but also share the gospel with everyone I meet on the campus. I want to reach a lot more people with the gospel this semester more than ever. What's funny, and this seems pretty ridiculous to say but I prayed and asked the Lord to empower me with the Holy Spirit every time I wear that shirt. Even if I don't wear that shirt I still have the Holy Spirit within me because I am saved through faith in Jesus Christ who shed His blood on the Cross to wash away every one of my sins. But every single time I wear that shirt, I have so much boldness and the power of the Holy Spirit just rages within me. I speak with boldness and act different when I wear that shirt. You may not believe what I just said or even if it's true, but it is. I have experienced this by wearing the shirt. I have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and I am a forgiven sinner, the shirt just empowers me the power for me to have boldness. And God answers our prayers regardless of what it is, as long as it corresponds with His Will and purpose. Even if I don't wear that "special" shirt, I am still saved through faith in Jesus Christ and have repented of my sin and became born-again. God can still use me even without that shirt, of course. But I remember praying that prayer about every time I wear that shirt, I have the power of the Holy Spirit to give me boldness and to stand up for Jesus Christ. God is good all the time and you just got to trust Him. The Lord can answer some of our most outrageous prayers like mine! God bless you my brothers and sisters and keep close to Jesus! The days are evil and there are false prophets around like He said. Praise the Lord!!! Amen.

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