Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bible passage

"When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?" Psalm 56:3-4. When you are ever afraid of anything, place your trust in the Lord. God is faithful and He will never go back on His promise. What can mortal people do to us? They can kill us and send us to Heaven. Is that a bad thing? Of course not. What other people think is bad, it's awesome for us. Why? Because once born-again Christians die, they will enter Heaven to be with the Lord Jesus Christ for all of eternity. That's the best thing in the entire Universe!!! We don't need to be afraid of men. All they can do to us is send us to the place we've been longing to go to. We just have to be faithfully bold servants and start conversations with lost people about what they believe and then slowly transition to the Cross so they can know why Jesus died for them and what His precious blood can do. And what it can do is wash away every single sin they have ever committed in their entire lives. Then lost people will know why they need the Savior. We just gotta be bold for what we believe! Pray for my boldness as well because I am struggling to be bold in college, so I will need the prayers since I am a loser. (Just kidding! haha) But please pray for me. Thank you so much my fellow brothers and sisters. I love you all so much and be bold to tell everyone you can about the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!!! Amen.

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