Saturday, September 15, 2012


Not really a lot going on today. Just doing normal every day things like waking up, taking a shower, eating breakfast etc. While I was taking a shower this morning, I was thinking about jobs. And I was thinking about how I applied to already 6 places for jobs and not one of them has emailed or contacted me. But then I also thought "whether I have a lot of money in my bank account or none. Whether I have a place to live or not, I know where I am going to spend eternity." Even if I lose everything down here on earth, nothing is going to change my eternal destination. I can live in a cardboard box the rest of my life and then when I die, I will be with the Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever in His Kingdom. No matters what happens to me down here, nothing is going to change where I am going to spend eternity after I die. That thought comforts me a lot. Let that thought comfort you as well my brothers and sisters. Knowing where we will spend eternity after we die, regardless of whatever happens down here, we born-again Christians know where we are going. Amen.

P.S. Continue praying that I will have the right job at the right place with the right people. I will trust the Lord each and every day. He is what keeps me going. This blog also gives me fuel to release my thoughts online so I can share them with everyone. God is good all the time and He never gives up on us ever. Praise the Lord!!!

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