Thursday, February 26, 2015

My first day of work!

Hello everyone! Today was my first day of work. I started work at my friends company called Mobile Help. They make mobile emergency electronics so you can press a button if you are in an emergency. I had to fill out some paper work and then I started working with my friend in a warehouse. My friend was showing me what to do and how to do it. My first task was to clean a lot of watches. I took a bottle filled with liquid alcohol and sprayed it on the watch. My friend showed me how to do it and eventually I finished. Later my friend was showing me how to wrap and tie chargers. This was the part where I was feeling the the most stress. I struggled over and over again trying to wrap wire around the chargers knot. And I failed over and over again. I kept telling myself that I couldn't do it and my friend was encouraging me. I barely got a couple done. It was only by my friends help that a couple got done. My friend had to leave because his shift was over, so I was alone working at our desk. They're were employees also in our building working. I kept trying to tie the knot charger but I kept failing over and over again. So I started praying. I said "Father, please help me do this in the name of Jesus." Suddenly I started to tie multiple charger knots. Although, I did struggle at times and feel a little frustration, I got some of the charger knots done. I did feel a sense of accomplishment within me. But I was doing it for the Father's glory in the name of his Son Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord! So my prayer request my brothers and sisters is to please pray the Lord would help me get my job done tomorrow at work. And pray that He will use me for His glory and not for myself. Thank you so much and God bless you! I will keep you all updated on my job performance as the days go by. God bless you all! :) 

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