Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer school witnessing

Wherever I go, I witness all the time because it is my most favorite activity out of everything. My first story in summer school this month, I shared Jesus Christ with a student leaning against wall. I approached him and said "hey man can I ask you a question?" He said ok. I asked him "when you die what do you think is on the other side?" He said he believed their were questions and judgment. As we started talking I asked him what do you believe and he said he believed in Allah. I knew he was a Muslim straight when he said that obviously. Then I shared my belief about what Jesus Christ did on the Cross for him and how his shed blood on the cross can cure all of his sins that he has committed. Of course I explained sin and how he is guilty of it. His name is Allen. So we both said goodbye and left. The next two stories of how I witnessed didn't go too well because first of all I talked to these two Asian students from Washington High School that wanted nothing to do with me and they didn't care at all what I telling them. So I told them one last thing before I left "remember their is a 100% chance your going to die, and that you will dead way longer than your going to be on Earth. Then I went up to another student who was Indian and he just nodded what I told him, but didn't care that much at all. I went over to two students sitting on a bench (one was from American high school, the other I don't remember) and I started talking to them. I explained sin and forgiveness and the student said "I believe in God, but as long as you ask for forgiveness then I'm good." That response wasn't even close to "I'm good" because the bible says you must REPENT and turn from your evil ways. You must hate sin so much that you must get rid of it all washed clean by the blood of Jesus Christ. The bible also says we must be born again just like Jesus says. So those three conversations that I mentioned didn't go as planned, but I knew that God was watching my faithfulness and rewarding me for my service to Him. :) My next story was when I witnessed to two students also sitting on a bench. I came up to them and asked them what they thought was on the other side after they died. They both had no clue and so I shared a story about the reality of Hell and warned them about that place and told them about sin and how they are guilty of it etc. Then I told them about how the blood of Jesus can take their sin away. Then after the next day their was a tall black guy walking in the direction opposite of me so I asked him what he thought was on the other side and he simply said Heaven. then I said "really? "So your a Christian" and he said yes. Then I talked to him more and he revealed more about what he believed. Then he told me he had to go so he left. Another morning I went up to a student and asked him what he thought was there for him when he died. And it was a student that I recognized from my Geometry class. I shared what Jesus could do for him as I do every time when I witness and he just nodded. Then the bell rang and we left. And my most recent witnessing story was today at lunch. I walked up to a student who was sitting on a bench and I started a conversation with him.

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