Sunday, December 9, 2012


Today was a really fun for most of the day. It was because that me and a few classmates of mine went to San Jose to watch an improv comedy show called comedy sportz, which is really funny! I loved the show and I had a good time. A classmate drove me and my other classmates to San Jose and then we hung around and found a place to eat. I didn't eat anything since I already ate mozzarella sticks earlier. I felt that Satan was trying to tempt me stronger than he has before. Because the crowd I was hanging around with was not a Christian group of people. I was hearing a lot of profanity and swearing, but no matter how hard Satan tried to tempt me to swear, I would not do it. Satan can't touch me because I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. I already belonged to Satan when I lived my disgusting sinful lifestyle, now I belong to Jesus. Amen. Besides that I was noticing in the 9:30 midnight show which was for adults I caught the improvisers mocking the Christian life. They were mocking the Ten Commandments which is sin. That really irritated me. I don't take that. I also noticed that during the show one of the improvisers said "not sinning is for pussies!" Excuse me, sinning is not a good thing and it's breaking the law, the Ten Commandments. You see my brothers and sisters how deceitful we human beings can be. It's also very sad that when I look around, Satan traps the person's mind into thinking that when we are dead, we are gone. That's it. That is not true. How do I know that is not true? Because when you read the book of Luke chapter 16:19-31, you see in that chapter the story of the Rich man and Lazarus. When the rich man died he ended up Hell, since he did not get to repent and get back on track. Instead he took it the hard way for all of eternity and he will be burning in Hell forever and ever. My brothers and sisters, this should not happen to anyone to all of the lost people around us. May the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified forever and shine. Amen.

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