Saturday, September 3, 2011

A beautiful paragraph written by my sister and wonderful friend in Christ Danita. :)

A pretty girl wishes she was ugly so others would leave her alone. An ugly girl wishes she was pretty so others would give her more attention. Many have tried to fix themselves with makeup but more importantly: surgery. When you do so, the world will say your the prettiest thing they've ever seen, but God will say your ugly. We are all made special and unique, and the way we appear has a purpose. We are not able to choose what we were born to look like, none of us did, but what we do get to choose is the kind of heart we will have.
An artist works hard, constantly, days and months on his artwork. And when he finishes his masterpiece, he doesn't say its ugly, but glorifies it and hangs it up high so everyone can see. God is the Artist. You are the Masterpiece. If we all had the same features, it would be like making the same artwork over and over. But God didn't do that, He made you special.

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