Thursday, March 13, 2014


Hello my brothers and sisters! Please pray for four lost souls I shared Jesus with today. I got to talk with two Mormons named elder Jackson and elder Smith. They are both Mormon missionaries sharing their faith. So, I encountered them and struck up a conversation. I listened to their beliefs and then shared the Ten Commandments with them to show them their sin and then told them about Jesus Christ. I also told them about the reality of Hell because it's a real place and they told me they don't believe in eternal punishment. I got one of their numbers so I could meet up with them and talk more. I care about their souls and I got to share eternal truth with them. Then afterward as I was walking back to my car I noticed two guys sitting by themselves. So I walked up to them and started a conversation. Their names are Jacob and Hugo Of course it was not the perfect conversation but a good seed was planted. That's all I am doing, just planting the seed and letting the Lord do His work. Wow, and to think I just prayed earlier today and God led me to two Mormon missionaries to talk to about the truth of their sin and how Jesus Christ can wash them clean of all that. Wow, He is good! Pray for these four souls my friends! Seeds were planted today! Praise the Lord!!!

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