Thursday, February 23, 2012


I have challenged myself these few days even though I never began a challenge for myself, but I wanted to implement and apply the Word of God more in my life not only at school and outside of school, but also at home. When I would be at home or eating dinner, I would try and recall bible verses to my head so I can apply it when I'm at home or wherever. Like for example: when I would be eating dinner with my family, sometimes when they are having a conversation about a topic, I would blurt out something stupid and would make me feel dumb or my brother would criticized what I just said out loud without thinking. Then as I would reading one of my favorite books in the bible the book of proverbs (or book of wisdom as I like to call it), I came across a verse that matched exactly what I wanted about holding my mouth. "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise." Proverbs 10:19 This verse spoke to me very clearly to me saying simply that I should hold my tongue instead of babbling about something and then a word that I don't want to say unintentionally slips out. The book of proverbs is an excellent book because it contains a whole lot of wisdom (obviously) and also actions that I can apply in my life. I am taking the Word of God literally now and one thing I really want to improve is my boldness and willingness to tell others about the Lord Jesus Christ. I want God to use me and I ask you guys out of my heart to please pray that the Lord would give me a HUGE burden for the lost and that He will use me to honor and glorify Him with everything in my body no matter if my teachers hate me, or my friends, peers, family, staff etc. I want to please the Lord and Him alone. Amen.

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