Monday, October 31, 2011

Endless pain, loving forgivness

My brother can be a real pain in the butt seriously. But I still love him even if he is still an unsaved sinner. Today had to be one of the best days that I have treated my brother with loving kindness. When we were both alone driving in the car and then my brother turned up the music. I thought it was loud and I turned it down. He got loud and started to hit me while I was driving (very dangerous). That took my eyes off the road and I got angry at my brother for doing that to me and we still can't arguing and he kept hitting me. Then suddenly he punched me in the face while I was still driving! Which is extremely dangerous. Then when we got home he kept arguing and I didn't say anything, he just said "I do it to all my other friends and they don't complain" and I just responded "good for them" to my brother. And instead of hitting my brother or taking revenge I know that the Lord will handle him, so I just handed over everything to him. And my brother switches behaviors so after all the physical hitting I took from him that did hurt, I was able to forgive him as the Lord was using me to say that because without Him I can do nothing. "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." I forgive my brother lovingly and didn't say anything bad to him but just responded gently to him. Praise the Lord!!! His Word is power! Amen!!!

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