Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Down here on Earth I am filled with Christ's love, mercy, grace and especially forgiveness. Only in Heaven will I and the rest of Christ's followers be filled with all of that and His holiness. Amen. 

-George Lenta Jr. 


Today is another Saturday for me. Just working on a couple English assignments and reading the Word!!! I love reading my bible. It's literally what fuels me every day and keeps me going throughout the day. And it gives me relief whenever a new trial pops up in my life. I was also praising the Lord intensely just about a minute ago and man was I pumped! Wooooo, I love it!!! I could literally feel a peace that was surging through my body from my back to the top of my head. I was rapping the Christian song Invisible by Lecrae, it's one of my favorites. And I am also listening to other Lecrae songs such as Just like you and others. I used to think that being bored was doing nothing, but that was when I was a lost sinner not saved by Christ's blood. And I never knew that I could worship a God that was nearer than my breath, read a book that could change lives, and live for a King that is worthy every single second of my life. Now I know that dream has come true in stunning detail and I am living the life I was supposed to be living. Hallelujah.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Quest. That was the thing that was driving me crazy this whole day. I was really nervous pretty much from the start of the beginning of this week. I was thinking "will I pass Quest, will I pass it? I don't know if I will. I don't think I will. I don't feel pretty good about it." I was complaining mostly in my head about it and how it was driving my mind insane and wondering with countless thoughts if I will pass. Later on in the day I had to do a few things such as finish and print my outline and also work on my transitions for my presentation when I got home after school. I was hesitating and was in a big rush, I thought that I would never finish it. But my dad helped me with the formatting on my outline so I could fit everything on one page. And then I printed out 7 copies as well as one for myself even though I didn't need it during my presentation. And I also had to do a final edit on my powerpoint presentation so it would look just right. After that and eating lunch I drove to Irvington High School. When I arrived I said hi to my friend Danny who was on the other side of the parking lot, and he gestured his head up quickly to say what's up. I walked over to the class which I was assigned to do my powerpoint presentation. When I arrived at the exterior of the classroom building I saw another student who was there and I struck up a conversation with him. His name was Randy and he was just waiting for his results to find out whether he passed his Quest testimony or not. He then went in and came out and told me that he passed, and I congratulated him. Then it was my turn, so I went inside and greeted my panel to whom I was presenting in front of. I was really nervous but then I started my Quest testimony presentation I and presented really smoothly. Then at the end I had to go outside and patiently wait for my results. I came in and they told me that I passed.  I was just so excited at the moment but so humble. I COULD NOT BELIEVE I PASSED MY QUEST PROJECT!!! I was just really humble and thanking the Lord that I passed my Quest project knowing that I could not do it without Him. Praise the Lord!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Please pray for me my brothers and sisters. I have a Quest testimony presentation tomorrow and I am really nervous about it. Please pray that whatever happens tomorrow that the Lord will be glorified and praised whatever happens because He is worthy to be praised and worshiped no matter what happens. So please pray for me. God bless you my brothers and sisters! May our Lord Jesus Christ be glorified! Amen!

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Fall in love with God first, and He will give you the right person you deserve.



I always anticipate Sunday's. A day and a bunch of free time to spend it with my brothers and sisters in Christ and worship with them. It's always such a blessing. Well today me and my friend Robert passed out copies of the book One thing you can't do in Heaven by evangelist Mark Cahill to mostly everyone in my Church youth group. Me and Robert were very excited even though we did not pass them out yet! So after the worship and the message today by David which is one of the pastor's at my Church building, me and my Christian friend Robert passed out the books and surprisingly most of my youth group wanted them. People kept asking the both of us for one. I was so happy to give them out! I also met a friend of my good friend Austin and his name was Clarence. Afterwards me Austin, Curtis (Austin's brother), Robert, and my other friend Brent went out to eat lunch along with Austin and Curtis's dad Sunny. I enjoyed that as well. Then later on we returned to our Church building and I had my Christian friend Jen pray for me since I asked her to and she did. Then after that I had my friend Austin pray for me as well in private in a room that we worship in together. He prayed for me and I prayed for him as well since he asked me to. And then we worshiped the Lord right after. It was just so awesome! Inviting the Lord to the room so we can sing our praises to Him since He is our great and awesome and indescribable God. Amen. Then as I was driving home I noticed a women who was holding a sign that said "I'm homeless, please help." And it was the same women that I have seen twice in a row already and I saw her a third time today! But I just kept driving, I knew that something just didn't feel right and so I turned around. And I absolutely knew it was the Holy Spirit guiding me. So I parked at the nearest parking lot, got out of my car and got a Mark Cahill tract booklet and walked over to her. I had money in my pocket that was change from buying lunch earlier this afternoon. So I approached her and gave her the money to bless her and I gave her the tract booklet as well. She was thankful and told me God Bless you. Then I asked her if I could pray for her and she said "sure." Her name was Sherie (don't know if I spelled that correctly), but I prayed that the Lord would bless her with a home and provide for her knowing that He will take of her as He does with all of us. She was very thankful and told her to have a good afternoon. Please pray for Sherie and ask the Lord to provide her with a home since she is homeless, please do. I cared enough about that women's soul to give her money, a tract booklet and offered to pray for her. And I have passed by her twice, but the Lord is so faithful and gave me another chance to approach her again. God is definitely good all the time! Amen! Praise the Lord!!!


This was yesterday and this was another school's praise night and the school is named Mission San Jose High School. I decided to go and I arrived at the right time when they just started worship. Everyone was inside and they were worshiping and praising. I came in and joined in the singing and praising, it was great. Then the speaker came up and her name was Mishi. She too also shared her testimony and what the Lord has done in her life and the story she told was just frightening. Because she went to graduate school in Brooklyn and from what she said, it was much more worse than Oakland. But she told her story and explained how the love of God and that He is the only one that is there for her and will protect her at all times. I really liked her story and I was just surprised from what she has gone through. She also shared bible verses and we read them together and she was explaining them to us. She also told us that her favorite book in the bible is the book of Hosea. Right after we did some worship and it was just awesome! During the worship I met up again with a teacher at Mission San Jose that I met last year at Mission's praise night. His name is Mr. Vierk. It was great talking with him again and what was surprising to me was that he told me that he was praying for me the day before. I asked him to pray for me and my boldness and I prayed for him to have boldness as well to tell his students that there is a god as well as talk with them about the Lord Jesus Christ. For worship the worship team played some smooth songs with calm worship and I was just praising the Lord with my hands in the air. Then after those songs the worship team played "deep down in my heart" which was a amazing and exciting worship song that had me dancing and shouting and clapping my hands until they were really red haha. One part of the song that I remember the most is when all of us shout the lyrics "yes I love my Jesus!" then continue singing the song. Now THAT was just fantastic! Then afterwards we prayed again and the event was over. I also talked with this girl named Katrina from another High School named American. It was just great to see her in person. I introduced myself to some of the other Mission students that I have not met before, all of them were Christian. They were discussing about going to Deny's to eat and just hang out. I wanted to go so I called my dad and asked him if I could go and he said that I could, and so I drove over in my car listening to awesome Christian rap from trip lee. I arrived at Deny's and walked over to the table where everyone else was at. I ordered my food which was mozzerela sticks and DP (Dr. Pepper my favorite haha). And me and my friend Brian started chatting just in general and I started sharing my stories with him about me witnessing to the lost. He was really into the stories I was sharing to him and enjoyed them. As I was talking with Brian someone just held for my shoulder for about a second and it was my classmate Marissa and I was really surprised. She asked me what I was doing at Deny's and I told her that I was with Mission's praise night people and I told her that it was really nice to see her and she told me the same. I continued on with my stories and Brian told me that he was just amazed by them. I payed for my stuff and then left the restaurant. It was such a blessed night! All glory goes to the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Amen!


This event was last Friday but it was was my High School's praise night, and my school is called Irvington High School. When I finally arrived and walked into Valhalla theater which is my school's drama theater I saw that my CORE group was praying. So I just tiptoed near them and just prayed silently in my head. Most of them never knew I was there and when they were done praying I said out loud "hey guys!" It was pretty funny haha. Then afterwards a guy named Eddie who was part of our youth alive Christian CORE group told me to wait outside and just help his friends to show them where the praise night was. I was just having a great time outside greeting people! It was just so much fun! I was waving to everyone that came by who were leaving the school and also pointing at them and it may be awkward to them but oh man was I filled with the Holy Spirit that day! I didn't care what those people thought about me, all I cared about was that what the Lord thought. That's what only matters.  And also people that were coming to the front entrance I approached them, and shook their hand and asked them what their name was. I met people that were new to me and people that were students at my school at Irvington. It was just fantastic! Then when I was told to come inside I came inside and greeted more people that I knew already and new faces as well. The praise night started and of course worship was first and man was I jumping and moving around and praising the Lord with the hands all the way up in the air! Wow! And then we listened to Anh Truong who was a speaker at our praise night event that I already knew. And the first thing he wanted us to do was to text him what does love mean to us? And so he gave us his number (I already had his number haha) and people in the audience texted him what love meant to them. I texted Anh "Love is what Christ did for us on the Cross by being tortured and then nailed to the Cross for our sins by giving us eternal life. -George. :D" And I got a text from Anh back saying "MAN G! So true." Then Anh began sharing his testimony of coming to know Christ and it was just to hear his story knowing that he had a rough childhood growing up but persevered through it. And it was great to hear it for sure since everyone's story is unique and different from the other just like everyone on the Earth is, unique and different. Then after Anh spoke we had more worship and then prayer and everyone left to get refreshments in the snack room. I chatted with a few people that I met including a guy named Daniel, and several other people. I asked them if they could pray for me and they joyfully volunteered. It was such a blessing. I also met a girl named Lydia whom I have not seen for a while and we chatted for a little bit. She used to go to Irvington but transferred to another school named Kennedy that is near my High School. It was so awesome to get to see her and talk a little again before I left. Then after I talked with all the people the Lord led me to, I said goodbye to some people and left home. What a fantastic night praising the Lord with old and new brother's and sister's in Christ! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!!! Amen!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


"People everywhere say that actions speak louder than words which is true in one sense. Because when you do a kind action then people will acknowledge that and know that you are doing a random act of kindness. But how in the world do actions speak louder than words when talking to the lost about Jesus Christ? Can you talk about sin, Judgment, Jesus Christ, Heaven and Hell without words? You could do it with actions, but it is really difficult. That is why when Jesus said "Go and preach the good news to all creation" He meant preach (which is a word that means to speak or proclaim). And words do really speak louder than actions. We are called to verbally witness to someone about Jesus Christ. Open up your mouth and let the good news of the gospel spill into other people's lives."

-George Lenta Jr. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Never the same

Life just isn't ever the same without Jesus. My life in the past was just messed up and pointless when I didn't even realize it. My life in the past was going absolutely nowhere. I had no purpose whatsoever and no path to come into. But later on when my mom told me about Jesus Christ was when I became curious to this "religious stuff". So I followed my mom's footsteps as she took me to Church (which is the building, the people that are believers in Christ are the Church) and the service and I was not yet convinced about all of this Christian stuff. But then when my mom started telling me about how Christ has changed her life I felt a little bit of conviction, but not enough to stir me to be convinced if this was true or not. We gathered around the table one night and I prayed a very wimpy prayer that non-believers pray (I was not a Christian at the time believe it or not). And then after, I did not feel anything different. Later on when I was a freshmen in High School I was sitting in my health class as bored as could be haha, when suddenly one of the school administrators who died this year (wonder where he is in eternity) Mike Greer came in and told me that he needed to borrow me to take a test. So I came out and asked him what test I needed to take and he told me none. I was just wondering "why would he take me out of a class and lie to my teacher that I was taking a test when I wasn't?" It was so strange. We came to the teacher's lounge and he told me to wait there until the vice principal came. I did just that and the vice principal came and he asked me "are you George?" I said "yeah." He said "congratulations on getting the winning ticket to the faculty follies." I said "thanks!" and he said "I'll see you there tonight." I was so excited and I could not believe it. And what was funny was that I was thinking in my head in my health class how I did not have enough money to buy the tickets to the show, it was the last day to buy them and my good friend was going too. I was utterly hopeless. But then when I got called out for exactly that I was just stunned and had no words to describe how awesome it felt. I knew that the Lord was showing Himself to me and that the experience that I just had is how He operates. Then afterwards when I was continually going to Church and learning more about Jesus the Word of God (the bible) and other stuff I was gaining more knowledge about my faith. But I was not completely 100% convinced yet. I wanted to know if the bible is true and if it really is the Word of God. So I went on the internet and searched up more about the faith that my mom was telling me about and I found one part that stuck out the most which was Jesus. And the most stunning part about Jesus was the claims that He made and how He could perform miracles and the most amazing of all, predicting He would rise from the dead. The Resurrection of Christ is the most important event in the history of the world and if it did not happen then me, my mom and everyone else who has put their trust in Him have been lied to and have wasted our lives. I wanted to know if Christ did rise so then I would know if I had been lied to or have been told the truth the entire time. I found out very quickly that Jesus did rise from the dead because people have seen Him rise and more than 500 eyewitnesses have seen Him after He rose. Now I know and can prove to the world that Jesus is alive based on what those people saw with their own eyes which was the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. My life has never been the same when I met Jesus Christ in my life, He has changed me from my sinful self out knowing that I am a sinner and needed a Savior which is the Lord Jesus Christ. We all need Him. He is our Savior so call out to Him from your heart and put your trust in Him and He will change you. I have many more stories of how Christ has changed me and how He has interacted in my life. He is SO REAL. The stories can be located on my blog archive on the right. All you have to do is believe and have faith in Jesus Christ. He will reveal Himself to you. Praise the Lord!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

True friendship

This is the meaning of true friendship and show's the real definition of the word friend.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Know where you are going

Death = Limitless
Life span = Limited

There is 100% chance that we are all going to die and that we are going to be dead longer than we are going to be alive. Think about that. Make sure you know where you will spend eternity after you die. And can you also guarantee that you will wake up tomorrow morning? I can't either. I don't even know if I will wake up the next morning, only if the Lord allows me to. Repent and turn away from your sins and put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ before it is too late.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Make Jesus shine throughout your life and He will make His blessings shine on you. -George Lenta Jr. 

Monday, May 7, 2012


Hey everyone! I would love it if all of you could pray for me to graduate from high school this year. I am graduating this June 15 and I just want to get high school over with. I have this Quest presentation that I have to present on the 23 or 24 or this month that's called a Quest testimony. I am really nervous and I want to pass it. So I would really appreciate it if all of you could pray for me to pass it and do a really great job. I also have to create my powerpoint presentation for it and it's due this Thursday. And also ask the Lord that He will help me pass my adult school classes and that whatever happens I will still praise Him and give Him the glory for what He deserves. Knowing that life is not about me but all about Him and that nothing is out of His control. And that He uses the bad in my life to create even better good for me. God is good all the time. Praise the Lord!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


If you are a born-again believer in Jesus Christ because you have put your own trust in Him. You don't live once because no one does obviously according to the rich man and Lazarus story in Luke 16 and in John 11:25. You don't live once but twice if you are born-again and saved by the blood of Jesus Christ once you commit your life to Him but trusting Him and no one else. You never yolo but yolt. Once you die it's either Heaven or Hell for all of eternity. Because once judgement is set you will be on one side forever and ever and ever. The rich man knows that he will never get out of Hell because of the great chasm that was fixed. "And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross from over there to us." Luke 16:26. We all yolt, the question is when we do, where will you spend eternity? Put your trust in Jesus Christ before it's too late. I love all of you! Praise the Lord!!!



Yesterday was just absolutely beautiful. I was supposed to go and watch the avengers movie with my Christian friends from my Church youth group. And then right after go back to my friends house Austin to have a sleepover. I told my dad the plan on Thursday but he didn't approve of it and it was only because he met my friend Austin once. And he didn't mean my other friends as well, he told me to invite them to my house which I knew was a good idea. So then then before all of that earlier in the week I called my friend Perry, which was someone I met at Taco Bell with my other Christian friends and his wife Mariela, and kids. I asked him if I could come over on Friday night and he told me that I could and that he would love to have me over. So then I texted my friend Joyce and asked her if she would like to tag along with me. She told me that she was nervous but then said to her that Jesus is with her, which is absolutely true. Later I picked her up and I drove us to Milpitas and we walked over to Perry and Mariela's house. They greeted us happily when we entered their abode (house) and we were introduced to everyone else. Then after prayer we started worship and sang songs like here I am to worship and two more that I don't remember haha. Then afterwards we prayed and started the book of Genesis on chapter 16 which was the story of Hagar and Ishmael. It was a very interesting and informational study. After we studied we had prayer with everyone requested what they wanted to be prayed for. We had wonderful prayer and it definitely was a pure and holy blessing. After that it was just fellowship and I was sharing my witnessing stories with Perry and he really enjoyed them. I also spent time talking with my friend Joyce and she thanked me for bringing me over and gave me a hug to show her appreciation. I also said goodbye to a college student named Lin whom I met, and gave her a hug as well. I also said goodbye to her mother that I also met. I also met a guy named Warren earlier on yesterday night and his wife that I don't know her name haha. Then later on Joyce told me that it felt like the time to leave, so me and her said goodbye to everyone else. We gave everyone a hug and they were just so filled with Joy and it made me feel like I was really home in Heaven. Perry and Mariela made me feel like I was in a real family. It was just a huge blessing and awesome. Then me and my friend Joyce left and as we were walking by to my car I asked her if I could pray for her and she agreed. Then when we arrived at her house I was going to pray for her outside but she told me it was too cold so we just prayed in the back seat of my car. So I put my right arm around her and started praying for my good friend Joyce. After she put her arms around me and mine around her and gave her a hug and just held her for a few seconds. Then afterwards I said bye to her and left the house. God is so good. After what I thought was a disappointment since I couldn't go and watch the avengers with my Christian friends and sleepover at my friends Austin's house, turned out to be one of the greatest nights of my life yesterday night. I could just feel the Holy Spirit just raging within me during the time before I got there when I was there and after I left. Praise the Lord!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Live for Jesus

He gave everything for you. Will you repent of your sins and commit your life to Him now? The Cross is God's love and your sins were payed for on the Cross more than 2,000 years ago. And the blood of Jesus that was shed on the Cross can forgive all of your sins that you have committed in front of an all holy God. That the best news of all.YOU CAN BE FORGIVEN OF ALL YOUR SINS. Just REPENT of all your sins (turn from them) and SURRENDER your life to Jesus Christ. You know your filthy and nasty state before God, so repent and surrender your heart and life to Him. Amen and praise the Lord!!!